
Daniel is a 32-year-old man who was diagnosed with schizophrenia at the age of 25. His symptoms initially manifested during his final year of college, where he experienced auditory hallucinations and paranoid delusions.

These symptoms severely impacted his ability to concentrate on his studies and maintain relationships with peers.

Diagnosis and Treatment:

Upon seeking help from a psychiatrist, Daniel was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia.

He was prescribed antipsychotic medication and began attending regular therapy sessions to manage his symptoms and understand his condition better.

Challenges Faced:

Daniel's journey with schizophrenia was fraught with challenges. He struggled with accepting his diagnosis initially, often feeling isolated and misunderstood by friends and family.

The stigma associated with mental illness further exacerbated his feelings of alienation.

Turning Point:

He came to us as his last resort, we analyze his situation and provided the right product for the situation that helped his condition, he no longer recieved threats or have issues with sleeping and our products worked fine for him as well as others who came through his recommendation.

Case Study- daniel