Case Study: Sarah - Managing Voice-to-Skull Technology


Sarah, a 28-year-old woman, began experiencing unusual auditory phenomena in her early twenties.

She would hear voices speaking directly to her, commenting on her thoughts and actions.

These voices seemed to originate externally, despite no one else being present.

Diagnosis and Initial Challenges:

After consulting multiple medical professionals, Sarah was diagnosed with schizophrenia, but her symptoms did not fully align with typical auditory hallucinations. Further investigation revealed that Sarah was experiencing symptoms consistent with "voice-to-skull" (V2K) technology, a form of electronic harassment where individuals perceive voices transmitted directly into their minds.

Navigating Treatment:

Sarah's journey to manage V2K was terrible at first, she got a jammer and some mini device she told us about, we gave her counselling and gave her the producst she need to stop the signal and it worked!

We also helped sarah integrate holistic practices such as mindfulness, meditation, and grounding techniques into her daily routine. These practices helped her reduce stress levels and better manage the impact of V2K episodes.

Today, Sarah is free and promote’s our research into V2K technology and advocating for improved support systems for individuals affected by similar conditions.